

The almighty God who created everything does not stand aloof and far from us. He wants us to know him as Father and through Jesus his Son we can learn how to relate to him. Jesus said that all true prayer starts with knowing God as your Father. We believe that God has called us to be a beacon of prayer and service within our community.  The prayer group meets every Wednesday lunchtime throughout the year using the prayers and cycle of psalm readings from Ffald-y-Brenin as our framework.


Church growth is not simply a matter of more bums on seats on a Sunday morning. Whilst acknowledging the importance of our human earthly response to growth, God has used London Street in amazing ways. We provide those in need of a hot meal every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during term time.  We have Youth Table during term time from 3.15pm.  We have the Memory Tree social club that meets on a Wednesday morning and a craft group that meets on a Monday morning.  We have a safe hub for those using the top of town during the evening at weekends through the work of the Street Pastors; we have a collection point for the Food Bank; the Hub Community Church use London Street church for worship and prayer on a Sunday afternoon, and lead English speaking classes on a Monday afternoon from 2.00pm.  And let’s not forget the 8th Basingstoke Scout group who meet here every Tuesday during term time and the Explorers Scout group on a Thursday evening.


We also support the work of Open Doors, Christian Aid and many other charitable organisations.


We have a membership of 80 and strong ecumenical links with churches and organisations across Basingstoke.





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